Monday, March 24, 2008

In Search of Meditation

I have been looking for a place in Chiang Mai to learn the art of meditation to enable me to gain clarity and quieten the mind. I thought it would be relatively easy to find given the fact that I am here for over a week and there are many temples offering teachings by the Monks. I went for one Monk Chat at Suandok Temple just outside the city as they offer 3 day intensive meditation courses, but unfortunately I was unable to attend due to the up and coming water festival which clashed with the dates of the course. They do not run the courses during the water festival. My lovely friend Nine from the Green Tulip suggested another temple which I also tried, but the shortest course on offer was a 10 day intensive. I felt as a beginner, that it would probably not suit me - I could go mad not speaking to anyone for that period of time - for those who know me, you know how I love to have a chat!!!

Anyway after combing the streets near Thapae Gate yesterday AND being hit on for money by some Burmese guy ( a little bit scary, but I let him know in no uncertain terms, not to mess with me lol), I found a place called NAMO which offers Yoga and Meditation. For 100 baht you can walk in every day and have a Yoga session for 1.5 hours. They also offer Tibetan style mediation classes on Tuesday and Thursday evenings for I am sold, will try it out tonight and give the verdict tomorrow.

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