Sunday, March 16, 2008

Chatuchak Market and Thai Boxing

Chatuchak Market is a must see if visiting Bangkok. We had a great time wandering through the different areas of the market. They have everything there from clothes, second hand books, antiques, art, pets, spices, food. I shopped till I dropped and felt very satisfied with my purchases. I got a couple of great little dresses for about $8AU and Tshirts for $3 and heaps more of course......but I wasn't tempted to buy any more shoes - my collection is getting way out of hand due to the fact that every time I'm in Asia I usually buy about 15 pairs of shoes. After shopping Tracy and I went for a 2 hour thai massage to unwind which was an interesting experience. I do love the thai massage as it really works the tension out of your body. What made me laugh in this place was that the minute we were in the room awaiting our massage, lying there trying to relax, they switched the TV on. Tracy very politely said "no TV please", so they switched it off. BUT then about an hour into our massage the TV went on again, can you believe it....the mood just flew out the window. Tracy eyeballed the girl who put the TV on (she was massaging me) and covered her ears. They got the message, but didn't turn it off, just down...which was acceptable. Then the girl who was massaging me stopped for a few minutes to chat on her mobile phone. By this time my mind was not feeling relaxed, although my body was, so I suppose I can't complain hey! I am finding that every day in bangkok there is a funny experience just waiting to happen, so I am laughing a lot which is very theraputic. After the massage we were able to find an internet cafe to download our pics from the day before for only 10 baht for the hour which is soooo cheap. We stayed around the guest house for the rest of the evening just chatting with the staff and making new friends. We found out through the staff at Asha, that every Sunday in Bangkok you can go to see Thai boxing for FREE (usually around 500 baht) at the Channel 7 Stadium near Chatachuk Market. This is where most of the locals hang out and its a very interesting experience. It was really exciting to see all the Thai's shouting at each other across the stadium...I assume they were placing bets on the boxers and the oohs and the aaahs of the crowd . Just a little tip - don't get conned into paying anything for entry as someone did whilst we were there. I left the stadium before Tracy, as 3 rounds was enough for me, and jumped on the back of a motorbike and headed back to the Chatachuk Markets where I grabbed some food and found a couple more presents to take home with me.


funkyb said...

hi sue; just read your blogg; loved the tiger; just like a a big cat. you look very relaxed. i laughed lots as i read your interesting adventures' back to the washing etc; enjoy your time; luv mum. xx.

Donna & Graeme said...

Hi Sue - knew you would love the markets & very restrained to only shop for 1 day. At least there was no giggling from the massage room next to you like other experiences !